The season of terraces in the CUP shopping centre: variety of offers, innovations, records of visitor traffic

31 May, 2024

In the Vilnius shopping centre CUP, having the most terraces, this year the outdoor season, which started especially early, is breaking records for visitor flows. Brands loved by many allure with their uniqueness: quality food innovations, the opportunity to enjoy quality coffee from 8 a.m. CUP cafes and restaurants welcome summer with expanded and updated menus and spaces for visitors.

“Our strategic investments in outdoor terraces have paid off handsomely in various ways, as evidenced by the rising visitor flow indicators in the warm season of the year. Evaluating the results of 2-3 years of activity, especially the indicators of visitor flows and turnover in the warm season, we can only rejoice – the CUP is becoming a real centre of attraction in the capital’s downtown,” says Ona Nevinskienė, the manager of CUP shopping centre.

In April this year alone, the CUP shopping centre received more than 600,000 visitors – this is the highest indicator for this month in the last three years. According to the manager of the CUP, excellent results were achieved also due to a good knowledge of the needs of visitors. It is taken into account that the traffic of the shopping centre is mostly young audience, people who prefer and appreciate comfort, modernity, speed and variety of services, aesthetic environment, natural landscape, and being outdoors.

“I would name variety as one of our advantages that lead to stable traffic growth. Wherever our lessees have terraces, whether on the ground, the third, fifth floor or on the roof of the building, there’s a choice of coffee with a snack or dessert, a specially prepared steak or one of the many pizzas, an original salad or savoury sandwich. Anyone who wants novelties will definitely find them, but those who want to find everything they liked in the previous places will not be disappointed either,” observes O. Nevinskienė.

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