SC CUP 2024: Record visitor flows and new children's play areas in renovated restaurants

19 September, 2024

The CUP shopping centre located in the centre of Vilnius is experiencing record visitor flows in April-August 2024. The Shopping Centre CUP business community is delighted with the growing number of visitors, especially the noticeable increase in the younger audience and families with children. In response to these changes, we aim to further improve the visitor experience with the renovation and installation of two additional lifts, which will make it much easier for parents with prams to travel between floors, especially up to the 5th floor, as well as special spaces for the comfort of families.

Growing throughout the last year

"The unusually warm spring and summer undoubtedly contributed to the record number of visitors that was fixed in April-August. These results are due not only to the favourable weather conditions, but also to our strategically thought-out solutions: the actively visited outdoor terraces, the renovation of the premises, and the River Terrace (“Upės terasa“), which is a favourite with the townspeople and which is used for concerts and other events in summer. We are getting to know our visitors better and better, and meeting their needs is becoming the key factor in our success," joyfully says Ona Nevinskienė, the manager of CUP.

Between April and August this year, the shopping centre welcomed more than 600,000 visitors each month – an impressive figure that demonstrates consistent growth. Comparing individual months with previous years, a steady positive progress can be seen. For example, the total visitor flow in January-August 2024 increased by as much as 6% compared to the same period in 2023.

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